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Kids Corner

Polk Street School

Polk Street Bulldog Mascot


Back to School Excitement

The most exciting thing about being back at Polk Street this year is that it is my last year! I am excited to graduate from elementary school and move on to Kellenberg or Carey. I’m looking forward to going on the Adventureland trip with all my friends here at Polk. I believe this is going to be the greatest year yet! I’m so excited!!   - Angelina C. 

I am also excited for the upcoming 6th grade events we get to attend, such as Adventureland and roller skating, even a big 6th grade party! It will be fun to enjoy those cool adventures together. I am also trying to make friends with the new students and be more friendly because I have a lot of friends but I do also wanna be kind every day and show a positive energy.   - Matthew C. 

The most exciting thing about being back at Polk street is that I can see my friends. Another exciting thing is that I can see my teachers from years before. The most exciting thing is that I can go on fun field trips.    - Matthew G. 

Getting to meet my new teacher and being one of the oldest kids in the school.also getting to see my new classroom and classmates.and getting new kids in our grade so I could meet new people.   

 - Peter S. 

I’m very excited for all the fun memories I will have this year and I will make sure this is gonna be a fun year for my final year of PSS. Something I’m most excited about are all the field trips and fun activities to do!   - Aubrie T. 

Click here to view the Polk Back to School Excitement 2024 slideshow.



In honor of Patriots Day, students reflected upon what it means to be a hero and how they can be a hero.

To be a hero it means to be brave,  kind, respectful, and selfless. Caring for others is another big way to be a hero. Another way to be a hero is by helping people out in need and maybe even holding the door for someone. - George B. 

To be a hero it means to be king and caring and to not be selfish and help others out. You can be a hero by holding the door for someone. Helping someone if they need help. Those are only a few ways you can be a hero. - Catalina C.

I can be a hero by helping people when they fall or helping them with school work or holding the door open for people saying kind words like good morning and thank you, please and I can invite people to play with me if they are alone. - Daniel D. 

To be a hero means that you put others before yourself and do anything to keep the world a happy place. I can be a hero everyday by helping classmates with work or even as little as helping clean up. At lunch I can also clean mine and my friends lunch trays to help out custodians. When I’m at recess if I see someone left out I’ll go check up on them and see if they are ok and if they want to play with us. In conclusion those are a few on how I and everyone can be an everyday hero. - Filippo G. 

What it means to be a hero is to be nice and help people out when they need help. I can be a hero if there is a homeless person I can give or ask my parents to give money to them. Another reason I can be a hero is by helping others like an elderly person trying to cows the street. - Reon V. 


Patriots Day  Patriots Day

Patriots Day


Book Fair & Book Recommendations for Classmates

My favorite book I would recommend is Honus and Me. This is my favorite book because I love how adventurous and interesting it is and how it involves a lot of details to show how they are feeling about something. I love that this book tells you if something is going to happen so you don’t want to stop reading until you find out. - Julianna E. 

A great AR book I recommend is Until Tomorrow Mr. Marsworth.The book is set in 1960 during the Vietnam War. Eleven year old Reenie Kelly’s mother passes away, she is sent to live with her grandmother. As Reenie Kelly introduces herself to everyone on her paper route she is stumped by the house belonging to Mr. Marsworth. Reenie begins to leave him letters and they become pen pals. - Emily I.

I recommend reading The Isle of the Lost. It’s about 4 kids who are children of the Disney villains and they have to go on a quest to find something for Maleficent. These books are based off of the movie series Descendants. - Olivia L.

A book kids could read is the book Baby-Sitters Club. The Baby-Sitters Club is about these girls who babysit these kids and they sometimes prank people but not all the time. There are a lot of series of the book (I have almost read all of them.) I hope they come out with new characters and more books!   - Lily P.

My favorite AR book is The Phantom Tower.  It’s about 2 kids and a mom that moved to an apartment, and live there. Then, the 2 kids meet a new friend. Finally, they make a huge discovery that leaves them curious.  - Nathan S. 

One of my favorite books is The Honest Truth as it teaches the reader actual life lessons and has a deeper meaning than just a kid’s book. The main character is a teen who’s fighting cancer and has a bunch of life issues from being a teen. Like I said earlier it has a really deep meaning and is one of the best books I’ve ever read.    - Brian W.

Students at Book Fair  Students at Book Fair


John Street News

John Street Cougars mascot


Where students report on the amazing happenings at John Street School.


Goat USA 

Goat USA came to John Street School to teach us that we can all do extraordinary things! Let’s all be the G.O.A.T!

 Click here to view the video!

Patriot Day

By: Jake Bogusch

Every year on Patriot Day, or September 11th, we wear our country's colors to honor those who died in the tragic attacks on September 11th, 2001. On September 11th, 2001, hijacked airplanes crashed into the Twin Towers in Manhattan. Several innocent people working in the towers, police officers, firefighters, and other brave people tried to save survivors. To honor them, on Patriots Day we wear red, white and blue.

Patriot Day  Patriot Day

Patriot Day  Patriot Day


Whirl Peace Day

By: Cristiano Betancourt

Whirl peace day is a day when we get to celebrate peace and kindness. All the kids at John Street School got to put pinwheels in our front lawn in the shape of a flower because it’s a day where we get to celebrate peace and kindness all around. When people pass by our school and see all the pinwheels in the front lawn, they can really think about what whirl peace day is all about.

Whirl Peace Day  Whirl Peace Day

Whirl Peace Day  Whirl Peace Day


Whip Pediatric Cancer

By: Jake

At John Street School we all decorated hearts and donated money to pediatric cancer. Pediatric cancer is kids who have cancer, so we do this to help the kids that have cancer that need money for medication. Also, a student at John Street School named David Jones had cancer, that’s why we donated money for pediatric cancer, for kids like David.

Whip Pediatric Cancer

Text graphic: 'Washington Street School'

WSS Cat Icon

September 2024


Kona Ice Truck

Thank you to the PTA for bringing the Kona Ice Truck to Washington Street. The students enjoyed a sweet treat during the early days of school. It was a great welcome back refresher.

Kona Ice Truck


A Day of Remembrance

The Washington Street Celebration of Patriots Day was a special day. Students wore red, white and blue, reflected in a moment of silence and sang the national anthem in unison.

A Day of Rememberance


Pinwheels for Peace

In celebration of International Peace Day, September 21st, students created their own pinwheels and participated in discussions about what peace in our schools looks like. Students also worked in their music classes to sing an original song sung by Mrs. Tesar.

Pinwheels  Pinwheels

Click here to view the Video!


“Pinwheels for Peace” Written by Mrs. Tesar

What a world it would be, to live in unity
Together we stand
Hand in hand, in Harmony

A world where all are kind, 
With peace and love in our mind,
And in our hearts
Oh the joy we would find

May our pinwheels for peace
Become reality, all the thoughts
In our hearts, unite

It’s simple can’t you see?
We just want harmony, in our hearts
In our world
Pinwheels for peace

It’s simple can’t you see?
We just want harmony, in our hearts
In our world
Pinwheels for peace